Remittance receipt [뢰미든스 뤼이싯 ] > Story/HW/Tool

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Remittance receipt [뢰미든스 뤼이싯 ]

작성일 20-04-19 10:14

페이지 정보

작성자sbLAB 조회 2,884회 댓글 0건



송금영수증 remittance receipt ,  

= 송금전문 사본 remittance details

= 송금확인서 Certificate of Remittance


- 송금액: Amount

- 송금번호(참조번호) : Ref-No. / Sender's Reference

- 지시코드 : Instruction code

- 수취은행 : Beneficiary Bank / Receiver / Acount with institution

- 수취인 : Beneficiary customer

- 송금인 : Ordering customer

- 송금내역: Remittance Information

- 송금일자: Remittance Date

- 중간경위은행(중계은행) : Intermediary Institution 


ex) Korea court requires a remittance reciept


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