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작성일 20-12-20 22:57

페이지 정보

작성자sbLAB 조회 2,869회 댓글 0건


- You need the remittance receipt that should be appeared with full account number of criminal. 

- How many times did you send your money ? 

- If you send the money, what did he(bad guy) say would give you?

- I can give you a document that you have reported to police on this case 

- It's a simple scam case, so if you ok,  I'll write a statement instead of you in korean.  and i will check from you

- It can be found out the bank account holder by a financial seizure warrant

  However, it takes a long time because it goes through the court

- this case will be merged to other ** station where this criminal bank account opened, 

  and handle together with other cases

= He annoyed me by insulting one of my friends. 


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